Wisconsin has a rich manufacturing history and it continues to grow across the state and change as new technologies move all of us forward. We are celebrating Wisconsin Manufacturing Month with Wiscon…
In 2016, Maysteel in Mexico signed-up for a voluntary safety program with the Mexican government. The program, the “Occupational Safety and Health Self-Management Program”known as “PASST” in Mexico, c…
We here at Maysteel will always be in the metal manufacturing business, but we are closely watching what is happening in the world of 3-D printing in the additive manufacturing world. 3-D Printing Fo…
Metal fabrication has a centuries old history. We know humans began working with metal nearly 9,000 years BEFORE Jesus. In fact, the earliest known metal mining operation dates back to a copper pendan…
Thousands of people will fly into Oshkosh at the end of July for the annual Experimental Aircraft Association Airventure. This week, Kettle Moraine EAA Chapter 1158 will host “Air Camp” in preparation…
In all business environments, developing and maintaining relationships is important for survival. We are not only talking about customer relationships, but also vendors and suppliers as well as our ow…
For Immediate Release Contact: Chris Tofalli Chris Tofalli Public Relations LLC 914-834-4334 Littlejohn Capital Announces Acquisition of Maysteel Industries SAVANNAH, GA, April 25, 2017 – LJC Investm…
Those of us involved in metal forming on a daily basis often take for granted the history of how we got to where we are; taking pieces of metal and forming them into the shapes we need was a huge step…
By 2025, manufacturers in the United States will need to fill 3.5 million jobs but will only be able to fill about 1.5 million. The reason: the lack of skilled workers and the difficulty getting the y…
(West Bend, WI) – Maysteel Industries LLC supports Allenton and the surrounding communities through investments in education programs in manufacturing, as well as local safety net programs. In an effo…
The United Way of Washington County does so much for our community, it would be hard to fit all the good work on one page! Maysteel is proud to be part of a fundraising event for the United Way of Wa…
August 18, 2016, Allenton, WI – Recently, Maysteel Industries LLC was invited to participate at the inaugural Coca-Cola Freestyle Supplier Day. This annual event, sponsored by Coca-Cola Freestyle and…
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